when is it now

mercredi 5 mai 2010

it took me a lifetime to understand that nothing is worth anything, but when one turns one sees something else that can change his outlook on life, less preference to continue to advance in thinking of nothing, is leaning one can see the tips of his shoes, but you can not stay too long in this position, you may be stuck and not being able to get up, it's annoying to see beforeyourself, but you can better see the droppings of dogs is what is most disturbing today, how can we let the clouds go where they want, we should invent a net cloud as there is for the butterflies, a large net that is towed by aircraft to trap the clouds and take them further, like this one could really tell the weather will be as above the clouds it's always nice when you want to shade it will command a cloud, if you want the rain you have to add the pepper, that makes you sneeze and then runny nose

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