when is it now

mercredi 11 août 2010

I can still admit that time flies, but it is not possible to hear all the noise, you think you live in the midst of others, I have trouble, I'd rather spend the trees rather than to cross a human wall waiting for the bus, but you can not choose where we live as if we were guided by an invisible hand that would have a clear idea of our destiny, if you live here is to meet people , from one neighborhood to another it is not the same, then we will make his race here rather than there, and years pass, the baby becomes a young girl, you get old, but at that age, you can not see yet, it forms part of the second age, the first is far behind and the third also, it's like bathing in still water, an average flickering trying to reach both ends in the secret hope of winning without fighting but this would not be possible without a certain amount of self sprinkled night vision

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