when is it now

mardi 19 octobre 2010

in a moment like this I ask you to sit down, because it is difficult to understand when you are standing, look at me and smile, it does not interfere here, it relaxes you a good time, that's it it is time to move on, you'll love, this is without taking leave, an exercise that is not appropriate for the innocent, in a few seconds we see those who appear are the fastest to take everything for nothing left to others who will spend the night outside in winter, but everyone knew the rule, everyone wanted to participate, knowing that the winner receives its weight in gold, I also find thateager to gain the most have very little time gaining weight, that is the sad picture of human nature, it thinks only of himself, but how could we do otherwise, it is high like that, we goes to school, we push students to do well to distinguish good from bad, where are the citizens who share the values of the republic, the elite school as it prepares the ruling class, the citizen forms alone

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