when is it now

jeudi 28 octobre 2010

one minute it should be enough to be happy, no, it takes years, thousands of days more or less satisfactory to say before they rot I'm fine, it does not last thankfully, otherwise you go crazy, happy people are crazy , seen life, his sufferings, injustices, misfortunes, emptiness, boredom, how can one objectively be happy, completely happy without any problem of conscience misplaced, we want something that does not exist, and Money does not bring more response than the dog shit on the sidewalk, we avoid stepping on it all, so not to depress you must cultivate our garden staff is a virtual place that allows to throw away everything that might seem likely to cause injury, a desire unsatisfied, missing a joy, a verb upset, everything disappears as if by magic, we leave the garden as if it is new, carefree wear or malfunction, I could call it a blessing, it's fast, an emotion that rises and crashes, spreading spikes, patience if we are not ready, life goes next to the project, one day they will cross

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