when is it now

mercredi 20 octobre 2010

It seems obvious to empty his body from time to time, otherwise we can not free his mind, how to be or have is a simple question, those who do not fill empty, therefore, gold, ham, bone, nothing of course because everything loses today, look like they lived in the year thousand, nothing to see, as now, people were afraid of dying suddenly in sleeping or taking the train now you're scared of anything, you buy drugs online without knowing if they are fake, but the progress is good at something, I ask myself the question, but it is already the time to start, do not waste time, tomorrow will be too late, but how to catch up, without forgetting that we are not yet in a favorable position, it is expected that the moon passes through a neighborhood, but if it is full then we must all start from the beginning provided the overflow drain in the right direction, because if you make a mistake and that the onset is empty

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