when is it now

mardi 21 décembre 2010

how to tell if one is there to do something, there is indeed a way to know if we should do something with his life, but nobody answers, it's empty, or echo, back there nothing, absolute emptiness, anxiety exist, I am worthless, I pee, I shit, I'm leaving, I return, I speak, then what's the point, the body is a complex mechanism, He can do many things, he can jump, go right, go left, go straight, go back, nothing prevents it, except a fallen tree or a rock or any other things that humans do can move a building, he must go around, but otherwise he may decide to go left or right, he can but he does not because its path is traced, it will go left because it will thereby to reach the nearest station, it should, he knows he can, those are the three characteristics of the human family when he is too young humans is dependent on parents, he is out games, when he is too old, he is stuck at home, he left everyone else who can, who should and who know where to go, the game can begin

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