when is it now

mardi 8 mai 2012

when I go flourish the perennial flowers I will remember this day when I saw the sun riseand set, moments of grace that may be a foretaste of what I no longer live, because thelife goes on without stopping for a second from first to last, at different times, leaps forward, loss of meaning, suddenly it's time to leave, we had prepared for stay, what happens there, we are lost, we must wake up, hit the road, it does not stop, it continuesto the end of the earthly experience, it is anticipated that the land will also know one end,in 4 billion years, now we are far, and I will not live right now, how long do I have to live it,is the mystery of all generations, this first day we shouted our desperation to leaveeternity to begin a life of trouble and rare moments of joy, to understand that the transitionis a noble idea, if I had known that I am able to climb up clouds, but the brain is notprogrammed to go beyond the reasonable

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