when is it now

vendredi 31 août 2012

I say yes, but why, I do not know, it's been years that I say yes, and if I say no, but I dare not, I do not know what happens after, it scares me, I 'I was so used to having everything goes well, I am conditioned to the end to say yes, that's how I'm used to, the question is rather how it started, why I become what I am, I'm looking in my memory, but the place is not lit and I do not see what is at the bottom, so I spend singing a tune in my head that I not know, I have no music in my head, I do not know why this is a problem, I would love to have songs that I could sing in my shower, but it is silent in the shower there is the sound of falling water in the bottom of the tub, farewell song bird, I'm a man stuck on the ground, I can make a jump, but once I fall down, I do not not breathe under water, it does not matter, I prefer to watch rather than going into the sea one day I almost died in the water, but it was not my time, so I again, I'm careful, I hear music, it goes in my brain and it escapes, or rather it is replaced by another emotion, a profound thought that crushes everything nothing remains, I am, it is like that every day, there is a moment when I say, hey, it's Tuesday, I'm fine, or so I tell myself, it's Wednesday, I'm fine, it works for all days of the week is living each day that I realized that time was passing, I said, then that's life, no problem, I advance with confidence, I expect nothing, I I'm sure, why should I accept that it's not going so good, and then it starts again, it is always the same, we believe that all is well and then nothing goes there must start from the beginning, it takes time, it's good, I open, I think I have plenty, because how do you know for sure that it will last long in the human body we have millions cells nice and some nasty do not want that everything goes in harmony, and then the years pass, children grow up, they have children of their own, we advance, we redid the point, wow there bad cells are everywhere, everything goes, we can do nothing, we tried but life is too strong, it must pass the baton, life is soaring in the blue sky white clouds advancing slowly, but before you do laugh a great shot, it's funny, all these people, the rich, the poor, women, men, elections, the past, the present, I was twenty, I more than forty years, but I'm still able to look life in the right direction, the meaning of love, vision effectively, I am me, you are you, we are we, you are you are them, it is the first point, then we move to phase participatory we speak, we hear, we have projects, clean the car, I take the sponge, you take soap and water, we are together, we laugh, we are talking about is love, now long, I say yes, I say yes, that's how life is living, it is amazing the world living breathing oxygen, the world is alive and I am one that is good news, I'm glad to be alive, if only to eat, it is also time Lunch is lunch, half day, all is well, until now, it is now that it's happening, attention, now it's twelve ten, it's ten minutes past twelve o'clock we , attention, time passes, a day to live, land, sun, air, water, envy, and then it's Friday, yesterday was Thursday, so why sing, I 'm not drunk yet, live life, live strong, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay okay,

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