when is it now

jeudi 2 août 2012

when I leave forever, will I regret that I have not lived, it is when you leave the life we ​​can take stock of successes and failures, it is too late to change so we can easily establish the final count of the thousands of days, I was this enough, or not enough that, on the verge of dying, everything is gray, I do not expect one thing, see the creator, one who created the world, one that creates love, the one who created me, life stops, love begins, because by living it is difficult for a body to love completely, often the thoughts are bad , actions are silly, prevents the body to feel lighter, it moves with the weight of the flesh and physical impulses, life is going to avoid the pitfalls, the impressions are strong, we're often wrong, how to see indeed, one can go crazy, human wisdom and age by looking at others with compassion, being himself available to meet the body even though some are very attractive, the reality is flat, you never get on top

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