when is it now

vendredi 31 août 2012

Just one day, the time is right, I do not know if the time is right, it does not matter, I could start right away, but time passes, we must be very careful, we must catch time, first you must look, then when it was found, we laugh a great shot, we sit for a moment to breathe, that's why I'm on an adventure that never stops not everything happens now, it is not regular, long wait, all of a sudden it came from, where it comes from, mystery, everything is hidden, it would take another vision, sees human nothing coming, he regrets the past, but how to enlarge the circle, I am in a situation, I need air, what walk right in front of me that's life unfolding without careful where she goes I, not I do not know where I'm going, I'm trying to do as life, we do not care where we go, the important thing is to walk ahead, straight head, the heart which Bldg the blood circulates, the soul that shines inside the body is pure energy since the beginning of the beginning of life on earth, it was given to us by Dien who understood that human would be difficult to stand up, then how gift he gave consolation to the soul in humans, but it was hidden deep in the body, so you can not get it, as if it did not exist, I'm right, I'm starting to get tired, but I still, I have some reservations, I am what I am for how long, that I have there now, now it passes, where it goes, where I am, there I am, if that's true, then I'm happy to live for so many years, but I have no experience, I live each day without knowing why I am go right, then I'm fine, I like to go well, this is one of my main concerns if I'm wrong, then it is going well, I'm training more and more as I older, gradually I see things, the vision expanded, every day, I see further, it is a desire that digs its wake tomorrow again tomorrow, everything will be fine, but it is now now, now it comes, it comes, that is, where it, it's been years that I want, is what I find, I do not know, it's dark, the reason is a priority, it is need to think even if it does not lead to happiness, because happiness is silly, it is a ray of sunshine, it is a pleasant way, it is uncontrolled emotion, I walked down the street when to suddenly I was seized with amazement, before me, a skirt dancing over two long muscular legs, all wore like a boat on the sea, a sudden stroke left to right, suddenly a large man bald insulted, insulting beauty fleeting, I say nothing, I say nothing, I see what's going to say something is to change the order of things that happen in the uncertainty of the moment then she turned to the right and I went straight, I kept this picture dancing in my head for a while before moving on to something else, that's how life, ideas grow to be a leader in the concerns something view, acceptance, refusal, pending the decision, recall, forgetfulness, time passes, the memory stores information, it rises higher and higher, the accuracy increases, one day you fall from very high, one forgets c is Alzheimer's disease of modern times, before dying so old gents, today we live to be a hundred years is too much, we must see how it goes at the end, it poops everywhere it goes in the street in pajamas, we forget that we have children, it is the end of life before death, the human lifetime trying to forget life, but life joins and gives him a blow on the head and that's how you stop the run, once, no second chance, we laugh, we cry, we make full

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