when is it now

mercredi 1 août 2012

tomorrow I do not know, every moment passes in silence, he is careful not to step in dog poop, but how have things we did not, the reference is to be, I prefer to sit when I'm tired, that's why I'm going right now where I can take a distance to understand my surroundings, people, things, flies, the world is there, I am also, yay, I'm part of this great whole, it is the free life, you pay nothing to participate, just born by chance one day and wake up to open their eyes to the opportunity to live for a few years, it will quickly, quickly youth is long gone, the body gets tired, but the spirit remains young, provided they have been young when we were young, there are young people who are already old in their heads why can not we have an open mind, this is world history, there is a balance between people and people open closed, too open would lead to madness and too close would stop the evolution ,

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