when is it now

vendredi 3 avril 2009

accept the other is to deny oneself, or alos there is no relationship, one must be dominant, the other dominated, dominated when the rises, the dominant does not, it revolts, he does not lose his place as director, but the desire exceeds the extent we have to break this to waive the balance based on the acceptance of the supremacy, it likes to be underneath, it depends on the people and times, a person is with another dominant, but with a stronger, it changes gear and is found in the plains, not put it more, it is necessary to call at the fort that can pull the wagon in the middle of the pulsing life speak with the death instinct, as is done today, do as thou wilt, death bored, it gives way to life, bouncing, you, me, forever, life, passion, daily, veru, massacre, loss of identity, no connection, back to factory settings, nothing, just as if it is otherwise, it must be, you can not choose, it is an unbreakable law, man is here, away from the woman, alone in the unknown, but when the woman appeared, it was no longer a question, we must appeal to me say, my body is yours, I wait until you deliver it

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