when is it now

samedi 25 avril 2009

o uncertain joy from the smallest place I know, behind the scenes of reality unconscious but accessible if you pay attention, the future is there to say loud and clear, while there is a story yet to end string lights accidentally casts trouble, should we believe in the thesis of professor or in that of the great grand-father of one who caused a scandal a day while I was not aware of the disturbing case, a heart where it, in short time to pass by chance I did meet someone important in the sense that I want to meet him, but where did I head, it's Friday today it is essential that I sign to be born to the stage, I need a name that repeats itself in the mouth, that I may dwell in the hearts of women, men do not interest me, I myself am a man, I want the variety of forms, as a fall in another, going to set it a case of conscience, no, you have to enter into one another, that is human history, since the first man he must be given to women so that human beings can exist in a thousand years, ten, hundred, one billion years, just because a piece is entered in a strange and beautiful world where existence emerges from the unknown future in Braille Mom, there is not yet the big jump, but still, the BIS is not writing, I lay alone and nobody was to be seen, then I do can help fish for ideas when they come from somewhere I do not know that a unknown place on my life and even less on my credit card, then I am for a brief moment alone in the middle of my room to dream that I am, while the brother of my aunt wants to go to the police because he thinks he killed a rabbit, I am in the state manages or next to the jar of green fish

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