when is it now

mardi 7 avril 2009

in the perfect satisfaction god exists in gaseous form, it floats around me without me or disturb me please, it's there until I am also in the hope of pleasure any beast to exist without doing anything else particular, I am listening to my body and space around me, I try to find a balance between the two and I take a step forward to verify that all assumptions lead to the same rhythm , then you many advances, the life you lead where you want, no, I have the impression to make on the spot, to avoid thinking about the hole in the ground waiting for me, I just water my mother, I live in the air in the atmosphere, the fire in me and the earth waiting for me to live my death, the four elements are present, it's good we can begin to discuss who thinks What is wrong party, the elements do not think they are, then who are you, no air, breath of weariness, he loves what he is to move into the trees to move the leaves so when you have to be at the table with the fire that CALCINED trees that I cross, but hey I was told it was common cause in trying to raise the level above the sea, as if it was thirsty

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