when is it now

vendredi 3 avril 2009

the concern of aging without noticing that the existence escapes me, what is more ordinary, the days are hiding them, we should not say that tomorrow will be like now, the second file without requiring a passage in the light , the shadow is at hand, there is no need to hurry, it always happens when they need it, on time, mais bon, ça ne me gène pas me, I am what I am, after about specific, all is wave of the sea, it floats like a point on the horizon, it suddenly disappears, but it bothers other than plankton near the small dot has disappeared, replaced immediately by a bunch of little points which again the same thing, feel able to successfully drink the sea, the sea is not to drink, it's not the worst we must eat, then here it is old, when we realized that shovel the earth remains, the greater the penalty to dig a grave is not a tunnel, but now the sun went down as it does for millions of years, but at the beginning y'avait person to see, he had to feel alone right now is the time from eight hours unconscious, half life happens while sleeping, why take so much room for the day

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