when is it now

samedi 18 avril 2009

when I heard the news, I was certainly taken a huge, how was I going to continue to believe in me, the uncertainty I won, I had to find a way to get out, but what was the route cleared, a straight road without nest of chicken, away from a woman i live with, who has a desire to take all the place, to have a clear view, this is a way to live in couple denying the other, pushing me in fear of losing my bearings, I am responsible for this situation, do I make my self-criticism, but have the two to live in perpetual questions, I am condemned to live next to nothing, it struck me at once, a new overwhelming, I had the breath away, how did I live so long in this unsatisfactory situation without realizing it, the Life is complex, where is the middle of the bed or the happiness flowing, I was on the port side and she was on the starboard, but I rowed to avoid being ejected in the fields, I believed in this relationship and I was struggling to climb the cliff but I was constantly reduced in the basement, a wet basement where my brain was running in a loop around the problem, what to do, I did not answer the main question for me missing, am I happy with it now, after years in the wall, I found an exit door that was fifteen years younger than me, it's the perfect balance, she looks at me as a god, I see her as an angel incapable of indifference, is the fusion of bodies and minds, a harmonious that couldn't happen before, with hindsight I can thank this woman who took my years and at the same time gave me the vision of happiness, it takes time to know who you are and where you go

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