when is it now

jeudi 2 avril 2009

the night is calm but also scary, a shadow is growing it, the return on investment flows in depth to exist, it must change, storytelling, gathering around the fire, enlarge the circle, singing in the rain but it is already too late, we must go home, cut corners, go back, never stop, keep moving, to think, not think, think, go, go, sing, party, life will and just for no reason, silly towards the end, but not more than at the beginning, nothing in between, without considerations of taste, past future in the sea, to the mother when the story is finished, more hope to heal, we must die, a step too far, too bad, another time, how it is the last, I thought it was the first time we went dancing, do not think Mr. here it is not there, we go out to see something else that might suit you, you face the house of God, next is the location of the lower desires that are not guaranteed by God but by someone who was his angel, he promises much but does that disillusionment and loss of confidence in the word which is still better than a contract that does not

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