when is it now

jeudi 9 avril 2009

in a sense I would have the opportunity to have another, ie, have two meanings in the same direction, one for common sense and one for outside, what is decided, the unknown that happens when you least expect it does, then we must act without thinking, decisive action promptly involving shipments of orders immediate powered by things seen before, of sensations, a feature seen TV, let's go, all is folded, salvation, irrevocable decision, without having to leave what I say, say it, but it's not saying well, I had not time to do, modern life imposes cut short, time is in a box that heats in the microwave, no more time to spend an afternoon, it's midi moins five and in five minutes it is ready, faster, too fast, where's the time to live, oh flower that leans towards the sun and another that fades after living in colors, but it is time to return to drink more wine that it is recommended to live long, live well immediately slow, live large and short, small until bedridden says meu, meu, you bastard die, too lived, one less

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