when is it now

jeudi 22 août 2013

this passage is open, it's good, I was ready for something one day is good, but two days ago the night between the two, it is more complicated, we need to organize a book hotel prende two days of holidays and especially the risk of not finding what we want, because the more you live the more you look for something specific, a situation that exactly meets the desire to spend time in the hope that it can go, because it is not sure, once installed, it is able to unfold her napkin well as given the current knowledge and enthusiasm for plastic cards, I'll think up every moment is important, it goes too fast, it's already Thursday, I look behind me, all these dead shall rise again, and that I continue to breathe as if nothing had happened and more attention must be paid to all there is so much misery that everyone can and lie and do not believe that luck can come into effect if you count the number of people who have tried to dig deeper only to find that the surface is flat and second before the three and even four, I account by one for the simple reason that I do not want to take my head from a mile, when it is too far we can not count, we expect it to end

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