when is it now

vendredi 23 août 2013

if I'm careful what remains there choices that are not closed, I step to the source, I am in possession of all my conscience, that I do I do it with strength, believing in the possibility of go somewhere, I always take the same path, I know all the turns, all the windows but not all people who are never the same, I live in Paris, and as in all big cities, there person knows, it is a freedom that I like, so I'll have more time to see in depth, it is true that in modern life it goes faster and faster, they make fun of the seasons, but when it rains it wet, so I dried in a dry place, then it stopped raining, so I can continue my journey, even if it can go, I feel I'm missing something, I do not know not exactly what I seek to rule that seems too obvious, the real choices are deeply located in the heart of man, so I have to go in search of the missing one day is white, one day again, will suspend the time for a cold beer, a small amount of imagination in the middle of the terrible anguish and despotic, slightly I continue to not have to face the beast, she roars in me, but suddenly everything goes well I do not think about what worries me, everything is beautiful, life is great, it changes everything quickly, once, a thousand times, and always with the same ease,

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