when is it now

mardi 20 août 2013

if one day I was still but it seems for the moment I prefer acting, everything goes well, it is like that, it has all pout and the rest goes forever in depth uncertainties because now sparkles, I'm at the peak of happiness, while balance from one moment to another, the concerns go away, he goes, he has nothing else, it is a certainty, it is a truth, there is nothing else, just ahead, that's for sure, I'm ready, very fast, very good again, and then it continues for some time, time , time, minutes, hours, stories, but now it starts, it's good, it goes, it falls, it falls, it comes softly and fury, it's time, time , it comes soon, I'm here, yes, yes, yes, but how have the details, I will soon, it starts, now I'm there, but how have the details, I can not wait, now is it starts, I'm good, I'm ready, attention, but how it can go no further, here I am, I can not wait, never mind, I wait, I know that it can go, so it OK, but now I do not know, I must upslope, the history of life that rises and descends for millennia, so how do to be good, so as the years pass, joy, confidence, truth, squarely round, blessed, readily accessible, believe that it is possible to live off, to be close, say I'm going for is fatal, I will therefore, it goes, it is immediately , really quickly, actually, I live, this is it, this is

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