when is it now

lundi 14 mars 2011

I declare that I am me, it's a simple statement that concerns me, I am where I am, therefore I consider that I am what I am, then I plan to be in the midst of others, who are they, they are different at the same time I know them because humans are made ​​on the same model, physical appearance is deceptive, inside the body the heart beats, for all of us, life is rhythm for the feet stick to the ground and head in the clouds dream, it's good to take off lightly by saying that everything is true, if that's how you can be, there is no problem, everything is organized for a very long time before we can engage in the right place at the right time, it's crazy to see how far the human body is complex in order to give us the opportunity to understand the meaning life, i must begin before having a vision, it comes with time, it happens when you have exceeded the limit of what is needed, this  is a protection that is given to everyone from birth we are trapped by a personal sense, to leave it must take a risk of losing oneself

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