when is it now

vendredi 25 mars 2011

if ever it can not go on, whose fault, the time may be responsible, the wear destroys envy, it remains an empty shell, we can always tap it, it happens nothing Is how we arrive somewhere without necessarily having chosen, we saw a can every day and the day d must be large, know what to do when you're not prepared to be ready immediately everything, I used to believe that the feeling was stronger and I realized with astonishment that the fact of living together is set for a while, a break happens when it does happen, not worth try to avoid it, while trying to avoid it when it falls in the same hole in the side, then do not panic when it happens, I do it for the first time, I expect to know what will happen, it's not me who wants to stop, I find no reason to change, everything was fine, but what is said in itself accounts for only half, the other is unknown,

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