when is it now

lundi 21 mars 2011

let me laugh to see that everything goes wrong, it is not evidence of selfishness but of simple realism, I can not help it if the earth quakes in Japan, if Gaddafi's mad, if not worth lepeine punishment, if everything is nothing, if I'm fine, in fact it two and two makes four, whether we agree or not, the freedom should be everywhere, but it often confiscated by dictators who claim that their people are ready to die to save them, save a bastard, is what is sure to go to heaven, is this a good thief, but for the future, he should first apologize for what he did, it will be long, but it will not do is the problem with the mad, he thinks it is others who are evil, we see this in the playground, I am for me nothing, it is others who are responsible, fortunately, the adult understands that he is responsible for half of what it does in most cases, when one is obviously the victim of a serial killer as Hitler, one can not say we deserve to be killed in gas chambers, then happiness is to live today and not vote for people who have said that the gas chambers were that a detail of World War II, a small detail of lepenienne bullshit, say that Mr. Sarkozy's party who does not want a republican front against a party frontist hontiste shamy, bravo for the calculations of low politics

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