when is it now

mardi 8 mars 2011

in this present moment, what happens there, nothing, it happens that what we think, is that the desert relations, the human is beautiful, he dreams is why he is different from the animal that only wants to eat, we do not know if animals dreams of eating a big steak, or beans, so, in short, if the human is, without trying, that animals are caged, for millennia humans struggled against the beast, now we go to the circus or the zoo, the enemy of human is the microbe, invisible to attack our bodies healthy citizens as it should, not as in emerging countries, humans are alone, it is the individual, whether he is where he wants, he will always be someone who farts that dream, which is that knows how to talk to other humans, he believes that world arrives, whereas before it made him thousands of years we think the same thing, you're alive, it's the only difference with those who died , So we can do something, it's tiny on the scale of life, a dust

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