when is it now

mercredi 26 juin 2013

it means something, I'm sure, once I knew something, he can not do it, but I'll have to see, an extinct passion, funny ways to laugh, and then luck happens slowly, it takes time because I too am slow, I love the slow, it is, I do not know to go fast, it tires me, days are available here, is what I benefits, it depends on me, should I concentrate, I count two by two, I get to 60, I turn right, I'm in a trance, one foot before the other not to fall, but that I feel the body through me, where do they go, what do they do, it changes all the time, means to find the right position, and now I know I can go straight, it does not count, c is a pleasure to live, days, nights, months, and I'm here, always ready to understand something, but I'm stuck at the strength to stand up, why live in front may not is not left behind, see what happens without maintaining the highest, which is low is convenient, it does not always check the portable boilers because further down more you are lucky not to fall on the fate unhappy, a step too far, splash in the blue water, a loss that is repeated every day, I try not to complicate the situation, but my body needs care, live long it takes to pay attention to the how we choose the choice if first you always want the same thing, it can work in reverse, it takes time, years to realize that it is time to see clearly, to quickly closer, it's good, I want more, yes, I'm ready, I know where I'm going faster, but no, not fast

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