when is it now

lundi 17 juin 2013

I went at once to see what I would see when suddenly I realized a problem, it was Saturday and the night approaching I started to sleep, I immediately left in dreams idiots who took the form of stupid stories in bizarre circumstances and now that I think about it, the situations of my youth, when I was a child, I often took the left-hand side and told me that I had more chance to go in that direction then maybe I could also go to another place, where I might have met someone, but I did not and I have no regrets what I do, I try to do mindfully, it does not mean that I control everything, I mean simply that if it's okay, it's okay, then I can sit down without forgetting that I put eggs to cook for they are hard, I generally prefer hard to soft, it fits me better, it is my strong character that pushes me to go and see what is hard to do rather than just going to go to easy, what bothers me is easy, I need to fight in the air, believe me a hero of modern times, not defending any thesis or program that interests me is the atomic scattering , has long been known that the human body is composed of billions of atoms, which organizes the chance encounters, one day, one hour, everything changes in anything, how I got there, I do not know not a series of days, various positions, once lasagna with beef, again three ugly women just after a cold beauty, daily tasteless but I appreciateany because it gives me the feeling of living simply

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