when is it now

jeudi 28 novembre 2013

when I was a child life smiled as I drew a smile with eyes and a mouth, time passed and I no longer draws the sun, they are empty body that I want to place in the middle of a composition of moral misery , because what I lack is a chance to do more quickly what I think I can do is a matter of thought, if it is strong is that I am able to do, but if it is low is that I am unable to see what to do , O joy of creation , I am not one who can , but this is a simple agreement , something which does not pass , it's still thinking about a solution that I agree , it must be said that life has limits that can not be overcome , so I 'm just a few seeds, feed my passion consuming for bodies that are available , but for the moment there is no , I 'm not attractive and I'm not especially seductive , life is flat, there is no game , relationships are empty, there is nothing to gain , it is here that I want to go to a secret place that can not make noise , to put the best choice , I know he must be patient , because in my case is so far away that it takes a long time, a little , two little, three little and it stops , I 'm not worried , everything happens in its own time

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