when is it now

jeudi 28 novembre 2013

when I push to limit my interest to see more closely the cause of my excitement , I quickly turn hoping not having gone too far, because it bothers me is being able to do what I want this is annoying, to do everything, so I would appeal to everyone , it is a simple I want something real that does not exceed the allowed direction , because I am obliged to leave one day, it can not continue, so I look to see what happens , it is perhaps now it starts , how to know , should engage in risk taking a wrong direction , but I know to be careful , anything can happen one day, it's not as if we had done it on purpose , there are many opportunities around us , we must enter before they disappear , and a informed choice , I have consulted the person who told me that I would live my life , which is not safe because it takes a lot of faith to imagine being able to go beyond the simple print passage when prohibited , should make an effort, I do not know what to think, I used to always go to the same place, will I have to use other ways to make other discoveries

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