when is it now

jeudi 28 novembre 2013

the other day a cat came home, I was afraid it is dangerous , but eventually he stayed nice all afternoon , then all of a sudden he went back home to eat , I was quiet overnight, when at the same time as the previous day , the cat came to rest on the couch , I looked and I thought why this cat is he here to put on my couch , I had no time to think when the cat came to stand before me, and naturally he said , hello sir, I come to see you because I have something to tell you, it took me a little time to be sure that voice had good cat , then I realized what he was saying , but what did he say , he continued his sentence , yes I want to tell you that you are not paying enough attention to others, which replied I , how dare he say that to me , with a quick gesture I empoignais and I threw it out, finished cats talk and help advise on my life

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