when is it now

mardi 25 février 2014

more should be done

more should be done , but why I can not take what's there , I always feel compelled to go away and come back telling me that it is far , and now it goes , but it was just the just good fortune allowed me to believe that this is possible, I feel so invested with a mission what the purpose of this division , it is to do something together , it's a chance to be in the same direction , a little at a time to not rush people, because there is more moral poverty , people are poor because they think they are but before people were much less comfort, less money, and yet they knew how to live together, but the progress came in and said, now you can live at home alone , it was a revolution for thousands of people needed other , for work, for changing horse for all kinds of help and feedback , but with modernity while it was thrown in the trash , we do want more, we want to be quiet at home, but c ' is always the same problem too in one direction and then it is too much in the other direction, then there is never any balance, human swings from one century to an uncomfortable position to another, without ever stopping in the middle, it's funny and it's sad , because everything is great , we could sing together but no, we must be silent , and afraid of each other, which is his idea, he wants to hurt me , all that cheesy, I prefer to stay home, I am nobody bothers me , and for the first time I tell myself that it might be changing as here is like that, it goes up, it goes up and it goes down , so in this situation I wonder where I go, I see nothing , everything is hidden, how to do what is right , I miss every time passage , it is difficult to find its place, then I continue to do tricks , one day maybe I 'd be able to break down what is blocking me , but for now I'm having fun , everything is so funny I fall off my chair , the world is horrible, there are murders without stopping, killing for nothing, because we are completely incapable of knowing what happens when you kill , it's horrible , violence passing immediately to no longer live , what we do, we wait, we can do nothing , it is far Syria, Ukraine

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