when is it now

mardi 25 février 2014

what it is, even a drive

what it is, even a drive that tells me that it's over , I say what, how, what to do, go fast , meeting trees, know it's time , yet I know what you mean, I was there at that time , you know, see what exists, spend time , have time to what is there , waiting to get it but now it does not pass, for the simple reason that I lost the key, which allowed me to see through the mirror , but now on emotion , glory, drink , be put what is beautiful, waive the wait , it will come , the mother of god, but I 'm only human , so I walk as I learned when I was a child, I walk towards an unknown destination, otherwise I would not walk , if I knew where I was going , this is the mystery of life , where are we going , what else , a special attention, but in a specific order , never pronounce that name, because in a also uncertain time that will be safe , do nothing, wait it out , but humans do not have that luxury , everything is fast , childhood, adolescence, adult, end of life , wear organs, everything goes , nothing remains , the rooms are empty , what must it be to say that all is well, but that I can not do , it's too hard , because I am not a human , able to breathe , to take leave , but still know that life is beautiful, it is an emotion , a dream, a certainty, but the now I 'm doing what I can, because the average is strong, he argues , it can not go beyond a point but he understands what it takes to make a particular choice , oh joy, oh wonder you rotten , your chair will disappear , but you will laugh in your soul is gone to heaven , on earth there is only one envelope as the first bag that falls from the womb , the placenta , which served for nine months, and in the end falls like a dirty rag , life begins and ends one day that God has decided, for the simple reason that everything is there

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