when is it now

mercredi 27 juin 2012

how to know if I'm away, I feel I understand, but sometimes my doubt just put a smile away, I was ready to be pleased with me, but if it did not go as I had thought, we must say that I think myself, I get questions and answers, so inevitably, after a while it gets stuck, I'm lost, I would need someone else to answer me, but I did not wanna share, when I finished to take me for someone else, I start at the same place, it's a game, I have fun, life is so sad, it find ways to have fun, once, twice, a thousand times, it does not stop when we start, we can not stop, we start at full speed, just now, and then now we are in reality, nothing moves, everything is there, it will come, a hope, a chance, a meeting , a smile, I'm here you too, what about, okay, enough, I returns, I need quiet, do not bother to get involved, all leads in one place, boredom, death

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