when is it now

mercredi 20 juin 2012

I was slow, it did not matter, I was sinking deep down, it was, I did not move, the world was spinning, I was fixed, no movement, I was immediately, and lived every moment a little madness seized me, I wanted to know the stress that's going to happen when emotion takes the body to transform it into an explosion of joy, I was expecting something new, but is it really serious I knew it, life is simple, it only slightly, but the human is in the impression, it is also the pressure, a pressure that the glue on the ground, and that will take him far underground this is why I do not like beer that does not drink without pressure, I've got enough in me, this is the first choice of gas, but it is not to mount, it is to inflate, it settles with age, there is too much weight on top, we would like to understand why we advance in black, the only response is silence, it lasts for years and then one day we decided to unload in strength, I am careful,

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