when is it now

samedi 26 février 2011

before proceeding I think I can be a bit to fit through a small place that is upside down on Wednesday, but when you have to want to be provided on Monday, I have trouble accepting the idea that life looks like it is a risky assembly of days and nights to there is for any, attention in passing to the north, he could not afford to green, dirty yellow in a dark room, patiently progress so far, believing that the path exists to show that envy leads somewhere, we all can understand, but it hides the key to not having to take measures insane, madness is near, we is at the lowest string bass because humans can not accept the unacceptable, I do what I can as I try to pick it up at noon ideas graceful, a bundle of thanks, nothing persists , we must insure risks, attention to loss of self, we do not fall away, life is expensive, you pay for life after it resumed what was allowed before birth, a parenthesis closes

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