when is it now

mercredi 23 février 2011

if in a year I'm still alive I will be happy, but anything can happen, leaving my house, a chimney falls, gas that explodes when I pass by, to stay alive we must choose the right place and right time, because if you choose the wrong time in the wrong place, it will go wrong, but can we really choose, the fate  exists, otherwise with money we could buy happiness, but we know that money allows just to have money, then being happy is very difficult, one must first understand what is happening now is the first necessary step, how to move forward  if we do not know where to go, then we must have courage, something  nothing is everything without everything, so once you're ready you can proceed to the second step, here we deal in psychology, the inner life, how orient the atoms of the body in the same direction, it is not enough to look forward, we must break free of bad thoughts, how, well, replacing them with happy thoughts, life goes swirling necessarily there, so why not go in that direction, which costs the most is the first step, then it rotates faster and faster

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