when is it now

vendredi 25 février 2011

he cab contradict himself, he can say everything is fake, the only thing that exists is the relationship, while the rest account for children, toys, trivial pleasures, adults know that we must begin by the begining, it is a start but it is not easy to continue, daily life, worries, credit to the bank to pay for the house, hman is encumbered with negative thoughts to justify the lack of joyful simplicity, it must be sad, the ones  happy are put  in a box, that's why we can not move, it's been for centuries one progresses in the furniture, but the human does not advance in the relationship He still afraid of the unknown, it is even said that with the computer it will be worse, people will be so used to being close to their screen they can't see something from afar without fear, like what humans always find something to continue what they were, a pile of organs topped by a brain that hides half  of his is to his conscience, go stories,

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