when is it now

jeudi 31 octobre 2013

it is still white , I do not know why for years it does not change , it is a dark reality , nothing is explained , my body goes through new experiences that 'll change , things change, that make me , do it , and fall , I 'm not ready , because in every movement you can take a faster pace , I avoid driving under the speed because I 'm still someone who has an operation table which leads to not do what I did yesterday, it does not change, it's just a way to do that is not analyzed , nothing to do with the opinion I have of what I mean , I position myself when I make a full turn on myself not to share too quickly, because as is often said, I am alert to not mistaken , it takes time , I train for long I may one day be able to take the pace at every step his as I have heard , I began to tell me that I was going too fast , it takes time in the right size, so I advance the same time as the time passes it differently , that's nice , it works quietly, this is not the opposite of hope is a way to believe in yourself , only one space between non protects it not and the solid hardwood so, a question arises , I think if I can find a solution , it is a research everything I know , everything I have discussed above , a trip to the accuracy , it must not go too fast , there is a first time pass by, then there is a second step of anything , it is a chance happening, toward a goal of seeing what I can do

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