when is it now

samedi 26 octobre 2013

I mean if if if if still quite so but because if if if if but this way I am taken to mean bias , everywhere, but especially not to make trouble, I am quite willing to make an effort , it is always agree what was said earlier, but I think , should not we do a little more vague because I'm afraid of losing the thread , it is so thin , it would be stupid , but I can not help it , I listened to the teacher, but since I was a child I confuse day and night, so for someone to take me I have forgotten I had learned to devote myself to anything else that can go far, a chance that changes hands, an asset that is low , running at true but immediately to a drama full of bad translation , because what matters is the music, a loss not to win, it's a balance to believe that it exists when the people demand bread, but the camel does not drink water during the birthday of the leader of the astronauts , a leap forward for those who know the important moment in the development of measurement instruments, it has a life to know who go not to sink into the bottom of the table , it can always have a hammer, I have not yet found the nails , I think that life is strange , when everything is ready, it should go another way, I do not understand, it might be easier, but more I say , the more complicated it is , the day for anything from sensitive greeting but no weight in the occurrence of a burst

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