when is it now

jeudi 26 juillet 2012

life goes by like a rain, wets but then you know you dry, dry good, a huge dry, it is like a tightrope walker on the wire, you breathe quietly while the earth rotates, but why do home it does not turn, I am fixed in my living room, I do not move, I breathe, I am happy, I'm fine, now it's now or never, for never did exist, now it is forever except that towards the end it does not work anymore, it's never for the life after, when eternity pushing us to stop being a body, let's minds, fly in the sky, go up and down the stairway to paradise, he was short this time of life, now we are never happy, but before knowing this beatification, we must fight every day, there emerges the morning, the afternoon we fall asleep, which will life, anywhere, or it's a place I do not know

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