when is it now

jeudi 26 juillet 2012

this is how it goes, trouble is not far, I see it, but I do not have time to look into it, I go like the wind, today, tomorrow, my goal is far away, I breathe, I go above the clouds, I plan to come down to taste the pleasures of the body, but how do I get so far, so rooted in the pleasure easier, I do not see how I could spend the physical relationship that requires concentration and a look at the other, I'm not there I'm going to walk alone to bring back images of bodies that have no life, they are not dead, but for I do not exist, they are foreign, I miss them, I come across them, we do not say anything for fear of taking unnecessary time, I go into a rhythm, I can 't stop, it's a matter of progress, I know where I am, others do not interest me,

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