when is it now

mardi 3 juillet 2012

love once, after the bodies, life is too short to get bored, it's different every day, I can not remember yesterday, I advance with the times, it's noon, it is present time, I rush into the unknown, I would have to be careful, yes, but what, everything is dangerous, me, the others, falling trees after being struck by lightning, the eyes see before, not behind, and a little on the sides, and more, as we are often not exactly where we are, we think of yesterday or tomorrow when crossing a street, a car arrives, the driver also think about tomorrow, and it is accident, the humans can not focus on what they live, he always makes round trips in his memories, anxieties, fears, impulses, it takes time and is already the evening, we did not see through the day, and it makes the days since I was born, then to do with, the human is constructed in one piece, we can remove any part, any works attached to everything, there is no freedom,

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