when is it now

samedi 14 juillet 2012

I remember my youth as a big gray cloud driven by the wind, I went along with the currents of existence without asking and without wanting anything, I realize now that I have become an adult before I was quiet, my body was moving easily in my mind anything specific, just vague, I'm not asking for anything, everything was fine, now I'm always quiet even though I feel the weight of life on the shoulders, it is increasingly heavy, I know it's gonna bring me down one day, I do not know when, long ago I was not thinking about death, I lived from day to day, I woke up the morning, going to bed at night, living every minute like its predecessor, it lasted for years, but the wheel turns, the sun goes down, it will be dark soon, so I'm breathing several times, I am well despite the passing years, everything is fine now, but I feel that something will happen, I do not know what exactly it is fate, we do not control everything, his fate is unknown, everything is hollow, which is the way, I see nothing, that's how we advance

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