when is it now

vendredi 13 juillet 2012

in a day is one day before night, after night, I fled, nothing remains, everything goes, I stay where I am, I try to match my image, but it cracks, it is necessary that I ran away, everything happens, it comes by here, from here it goes again, nothing remains, dust, we are moving towards peace, at last, this life ends, we should not regret, the body deteriorates, it is not resistant to weather, it's not like the sand that collapses in the rain and the sun is reborn, the man collapses once and this is the last one times and this is the output, a unique experience, we do not know where you come from, we do not know where you go, but we believe, these days are full of useless projects, everything goes, nowhere, too bad I tried it came, we go for a walk, repeated for years, nothing to do, it starts, it ends, it ends, it's time to eat

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