when is it now

jeudi 5 juillet 2012

I had the time, this is unbelievable, all this time I had, and I have only one hour, the last, everything is behind me, I had envy, i had plans, that is there, there is no more than dust, the colors are going, the gray sets in, the dark of night without a star, would I have the chance, could I still have hope, but time goes on without telling me what to do, I am left alone with my thoughts, nothing else matters, I look in the end a desire to know the solution of this problem life is not explainable, we must die to find out why I was born one day, one hour, one minute, a short time but so far, I can not remember my first day, I remember yesterday when it was already, I do not know, now I hold, now is when it happens, then what happens there, it does not come, it's like before, I thought that towards the end it is different, but life goes on in the same way from start to end, the same trouble at the beginning and end, nothing changes, there is only me who is aging, my furniture is not move, a little dust

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