when is it now

vendredi 13 juillet 2012

I tore the earth with my hands, it took me to go to the bottom, nothing is easy, it takes from the cellar, it is night, and slipped into unconsciousness of love, we are together for years, it is a mystery, I do not understand why there is nothing rational, everything is subjective, everything happens suddenly, you do not expect it, this is like played a deadly game, at the end one dies for one reason or another, every case is different, but before finishing, I begin now to go ahead, life is too short, I still have years to live just enough to pass the time is true, it's the only reason to live, I would have turned right, why do not I have understood you had to go straight, straight, right online, everything is explained, everything becomes clear, that's it, finally I find this passage that I have sought for years, he stands before me, I hesitate, if I cross that door I lose all I had before, but had I before, the balance weighs nothing remains, everything is before me, the unknown, the mystery, all right, there is that 44 years I was born

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