when is it now

mercredi 19 septembre 2012

I was suddenly in the middle of the crowd, unknown and happy, then I go right, and then left, I'm heavy, the weight of the years, it is far from the time of innocence, now I know that there is death in front, no longer plays the ball, it became real, each step can lead to disaster, be careful i will soon be ahead balancing on a wire that is placed over the vacuum, it is easier to go straight, it is advisable, why one is often tempted by a little bit try to the left or right, we know that it is dangerous, then why the brain makes us see the wonders rather than the real horrible betrayal, in the head hall is presented with the same position, there is no value attached that could quickly show what is good, it does not work like that, and I understand that God told Adam, you want to live free, then you will be able to love and betray with equal ease, it is freedom of every human being, it can all start and stop everything without realizing that it is good or bad, but the pressure increases, it is becoming heavier, how to reduce, how to throw overboard sandbags to gain height, years to hit the ceiling to see if I can not go to the floor above, but I can not find the passage, I do not care, everything happens when it should happen, the main thing is not to lose hope, this is the only problem, many give up, they prefer wait it out, I can not stop, I feel the pressure that pushes me, I struggle to stay in my place, I have more than twenty years, I have more than thirty years, time passes, so I lengthen the night thinking only to sleep hours in the unconscious, and when I wake up I'm ready to start me up, I hope 

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