when is it now

mercredi 19 septembre 2012

pig complained of living in mud on a hot day turned into dry prairie, the pig was delighted, but he soon failed for him water to moisten his body and two days later he died and we made the sausage from him, it is the human who is always complaining about not being where he would like to be, when by chance it gives him what he wants, quickly disappears his lightness, eaten by the sudden appearance of ease, but life is hard, every day could trap the  happiness, it is an art to see when things are going well and not miss it, there is often some are so confident that nothing will be good, they do not see the moments of happiness that doesn't allow them to see their situation improve, and the world is made of those who are in complete darkness, there is no way out for those who do not know  they have a chance to know suddenly happiness, a fragile moment that flies around me, I see, I take it, but soon he left me to go to someone else, but as I have already seen it once, I know he'll come back, I expect, and when if I know it backs slowly, okay, it is a dance that makes me grow, the more I live the more I understand the rhythm of hope, it is not there all the time, we must learn to expect, and soon she arrives, everything goes well, until now I did not complain, my life goes steadily, i develop my projects quietly, is that one day this will not be enough, will I need to get into a frantic race to go faster, responding to the pressure growing, the balance  I built for so many years, he will burst into a thousand pieces, as if fate took us to the bottom of the ocean where the pressure burst the body, I would not like it, I prefer to stay behind, but can we forget his destiny, he see in my life, in what i did, a line drew from my youth, all those years before are lost, fortunately, Today is all over the place, I do not care i have no more twenty years old for a long time, I am now much happier than before, even more than yesterday and less than tomorrow, long live life

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