when is it now

lundi 22 mars 2010

how to see without always start with ourselves, we can not develop by being selfish, we must open ourselves to reach out to another experience, but as the other does not seek to open, person does not open and the human remains at zero level of evolution, not far from our ancestors the Gauls, the rustics fans flesh, when you see posters and ads in magazines, we say that 'we advance not always the same problem, how to see someone without being sexually attracted, it is a real problem that science fiction writers settle with happy pills or so robots that resemble human beings but feel no emotions or until the mechanical breaks under the blows of feminine seduction, since we live in a macho world, the dominant evil can not simply secondary role, he must suffer, love, but not be loved is secondary, there is no time, everything goes fast, we move into the fireworks or toothpaste, I can not remember the order in the disorder or who is going to take good, that's what happens when it's hard to climb the steps of evolution, it stagnates in the stinking swamp of the baseness of the desire of bare flesh, the love is elsewhere, you can not see practically no what could he do in the face of human beasts

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