when is it now

mardi 2 mars 2010

Yesterday is over, but again tonight, in fact, every night is a time of changeover to the past, the future goes to the night that envelops the ideas in a rhythm muffled so as not disturb neighbors, then we ' lulls but not on our laurels, rather fatigue our approximations unfair in the sense of length, but when you think everything that happens before something else happens, but it can still hurt or well, I do not see what else might happen, everything is good, it will take some time, obviously I'm getting older so I can not see the same situation with the same eyes, I have more experience , it leads me into a string of frustrated desires but not definitive, this short time without tiring, for years it nothing happens and then suddenly everything becomes clear on anything and it starts to spin in circles until the next passage, but here we will be older, then you say if I were younger, but we were younger, and it has done nothing more, this is not a question of age, should continue all ages, we can start later, it is even recommended in the sense that it must have already shared with many people beginning to understand, then we can discuss later, but first he must know that everything is is not worth making an effort,

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